Photo by Alexander Bösch, the owner of the Gasthaus Adler Hotel

Saddle of venison under a walnut crust
Alexander Bösch as a guest on WERTVOLL KOCHEN

What remains of a whole deer in the end and how Alexander Bösch as hunter and owner of the Hotel Gasthaus ADLER prepares a saddle of venison under a walnut crust, you can see here in the video from the "Fränkel Kochstudio" with fellow chef and host Ralf Hörger.


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Current opening hours

Tuesday till Saturday
17:00 - 23:00 (kitchen from 17:30 - 21:00)

Sunday and Monday
Rest day

Phone: +49 7524 9980

Fax: +49 7524 998 - 152

E-mail: [email protected]

Carnival holidays until 10.03.2025

From 11.03.2025:
Fine fish specialities

Hotel Gasthaus Adler Bad Waldsee Logo Gross

From Tuesday, 11.03.2025 we will be back at the ADLER

Fine fish specialities
 with skrei, oysters, salmon and pike-perch roulade and more. 
We look forward to your reservation! Please pre-order oysters, otherwise subject to availability
